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Old 04-03-2016, 09:39 PM   #1
iienderii began at the beginning.
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Question Request: template-making assistance for column built from other columns


Avid Calibre user here - I've enjoyed the tool for quite some time now. Here's my question:

I have a library with a handful of customised columns. I'm wanting to create one of the 'custom columns built from other columns that behave like tags' which, when I populate another column with 'x' then a template will automatically be triggered which will populate the new column with 'y'

Basically column x is a list. Of that list, half of them are considered 'primary' and half 'secondary' - this 'primary' or 'secondary' text needs to go into the 'column built from other columns' so I figure the template text will need the entire list, and the corresponding 'primary' or 'secondary' text associated with it (so that the other column can be populated.

my only issue is that I'm not quite sure how I should do that. I didn't really see an example in the forum that met this specific goal (though I might have missed it).

Hope someone else has already done this and has a few minutes to share their template code.

Thanks for you time!
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