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Old 12-03-2015, 11:15 AM   #33
sakura-panda ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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Device: 2017 10.5" iPad Pro (Kobo, NOOK, Kindle, Google Play Books & Scribd)
Originally Posted by astrangerhere View Post
I am intrigued. Care to elaborate?
Oh, it's not that interesting. I was going to elaborate in my first post, but it was so boring (even to me!) that I quit.

Basically, every time I get a new device I set up a scheme for what books to read on it and the circumstances where I'll use it over some other reading device.

1. I have two e-ink readers, a Kindle K3 and a Sony T1. These used to be my light reading at home, but I've gotten addicted to a couple of iPhone games and haven't been reading them. Now I keep whichever one I am reading in my purse and I alternate between reading my oldest bought Kindle book or one of the books I bought from the Sony Reader store, back when there was a Sony Reader store. (Currently reading His Majesty's Dragon by Naomi Novick.)

2. I also have a NOOK HD+ where I alternate between books in my Kobo and B&N Libraries. This is my favorite ebook reader and I save it for the times when I'm deliberately reading, rather than when I'm reading during a "found" moment. (Currently reading Fortune's Favorites, the third book in the Masters of Rome series by Colleen McCullough.)

3. For when I'm eating lunch (we all read when we eat alone, right?) I tend to read cozy mystery or other "light and fluffy" books. I like to break up series with books in between, so that the books don't all blur together. I was reading the Mrs. Murphy books by Rita Mae Brown (alternating with the Fool's Gold series by Susan Mallery), but I just finished the next to last book and still am not sure what cozy mystery I want to pick up next. (Currently reading The Spy Wore Blue by Shana Galen)

4. Work issued me a smart phone and I found that syncing with most of my other libraries doesn't work well. So of course I have set up a system for it. Here I rotate through four libraries: Baen, Smashwords, Discover a New Love and Kindle Unlimited. (Currently reading Utterly Charming by Kristine Grayson.)

I do try to make all the books different, so that if I'm in the mood for something in particular, or not in the mood for something I've started, I can read something else without starting something new.
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