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Old 12-26-2008, 07:37 AM   #1
Lanyon doesn't litterLanyon doesn't litter
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Device: Sony PRS 505
[Very Old Thread] Calibre suggestions

Hi all,

Not sure if this is the right forum to post this - but here goes anyway.

I have a couple of suggestions for the author of Calibre, all minor, but he may wish to incorporate/ignore them.

1. it would be nice if the bars for titles, authors etc which can be resized, to stay that size on exiting restarting the programme. A "nice to have" but of course, not essential.

2. The individual rows appear to resize (varying in row height) for no discernible reason (probably there is a good reason). It would be nice if they stayed the sames size.

3. When moving from library to PRS, the arrangement of the columns changes. in Library viewing, I have author then title, in PRS viewing it is Title then author. I am still trying to find out if I can change this myself, but cannot find how to do this if it is there.

4. I think the remove books icon should be on its own and not near the edit meta information. For idiots like me it is all too easy to make a mistake.

I am am so impressed that someone has taken the time to write this programme for the Mac, that I am almost embarrassed to point out these these small changes - so apologies if they appear to trivial for contemplation.

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