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Old 07-07-2015, 03:45 AM   #54
Bookmaker & Cat Slave
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Originally Posted by Doitsu View Post
IMHO, this doesn't make sense.

Why would Amazon develop azkcreator.exe if they didn't plan on using it?
Why would they advertise drop caps capability in their latest iOS version (4.9.1), which is a KF8-only feature?
(Unless, of course, drop caps capability is the only KF8 feature that is officially supported.)
Doits, with all due respect, how the HELL would I know? But I know what repeated--and I mean, REPEATED--real world tests indicate. Yes, *some* KF8 features do "pull through" into K4iPad, from an uploaded MOBI file at the KDP, but not all, not all at all. Fonts, borders, image sizes...there's a LOT that isn't working correctly (assuming arguendo that this is allegedly really KF8), but which seems perfectly explicable if you assume that "K4ios" really means..."kinda sorta KF8, we're working on it, and we're getting there."

I'm assuming that you and your client have already tried the following:

Installed and registered the latest iOS Kindle app (4.9.1) on an iPad model with iOS 7.1.2 (or higher) and then bought and downloaded the book in question. (Older iOS devices and apps might not be supported.)
I know that in your heart of hearts, you really like me and somewhat respect me, so I'm going to ignore that, so that I don't feel some moral obligation to kill you. Of course we've done that, and, c'mon, my brother, it's not like we're talking about ONE client. We're not. We have a shedload of "creatives" that are all Mac users, that are laden with iPads of all gens. I spent time today--quite a bit of it--on something that we took up doing, for pullquotes, just on this very topic: K4iPad. Tested on not one, not two, but THREE diff. iPads, all different gens, etc. All just today. And, yes, most of our testing was buying books that we'd already made, that have gone through, with similar/identical coding, to see what the real, live, "for-sale" version really looks like. (I hope my clients enjoyed the sales, as we were forced to buy a few). I mean, dropcaps? That's not really what we've been looking at, but now that you mention it, I shall. Might as well.

It that's the case and a sideloaded AZK version of the same file displays fine, there's a KDP backend problem that Amazon needs to fix. My guess is that their pipeline tool might fall back to KF7 mode if it encounters CSS rules that it can't handle and your book might just contain such a style.

BTW, did you report this as a KDP bug and what does KDP support say?

Honestly, no, I didn't. K4iOS has been buggy, to my way of thinking, for so long that I don't think about it, unless/until I run into something here or out and about saying that (no offense) AZK is representative of what the "4sale" mobi looks like on K4iPad, and then my brain melts, thinking "oh, yeah, but...nyah. Not really." However, I suppose, all things being equal, it won't hurt for me to point it out to them, for whatever that's worth. And it's also true that, with all due modesty (I really mean that; it's the luck of the draw and the type of books we get that have forced the issue; truthfully, I'd be ecstatic if we pulled down 100% fiction every month, myself, although the bookmakers would be cranky and bored with it PDQ), we are probably doing some things, coding-wise, in commercial books, that isn't being done in most places, and so...hell, maybe they DON'T know. They didn't know--more than once--that they'd done something in the KDP intake process that was eating and digesting and not regurgitating fonts; they didn't know, two years back, that they'd utterly bollixed the SRL they really DO NOT know.

Ergo, being thus motivated by your good self, Doits, I'll go tell them about it. We've had to create coding workarounds {SIGH} for some of this crap, too (even to hiding one image, displaying another, depending on the version, yabbety-yab), so...heck, if they fix it, I'd be tickled. {shrug}. However, I had a minor med. procedure last Thursday, launched our new website yesterday, and have dozens of heavily-formatted books in to quote and (of course) create samples for, won't be tomorrow. I need some bloody rest, especially after birthin' that website baby. A girl needs her beauty sleep, y'know.
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