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Old 02-16-2015, 04:26 PM   #31
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M_koboH20 began at the beginning.
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Device: Kobo Aura H20
Originally Posted by tshering View Post
Edit: From the discussion below I guess the following values should fit:

For H2O users: Please add to the file .adds\usersettings.txt the above 4 lines. Attention: You have to use a unix-style editor.
Thank you @Markismus & tshering for your advices.
I just bought the new H20 3.12... and I managed to install koreader on and to have a great experience reading PDF.

But, I am a real noob and I fight for 1hours to install everything.
First adding the lines was not easy, I'm on windows. I could do so with jEdit (which I download for the occasion).

Then it is usefull to notice that the Koreader file is NOT included in the package that Markismus offer on the post19.

Following the indications of @ken on the thread ' Adding alternative readers using Kobo Start Menu' I could understand with the first package I download did not included koreader.
I think including it could be usefull.

Also, I first tried to copy the koreader file in adds/kbmenu which was obvouisly the wrong path.
koreader finally worked with the adds, just under kbmenu but not IN kbmenu.
(maybe it sounds obvouis but it's not for a noobish like me )

I tried most of tools, it seems fine, except for the "front light on" button in the main menu which doesn't do anything.
But if I set up light though tools/frontlight, the main menu button "front light off" does react.
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