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Old 12-05-2014, 12:10 PM   #110
Junior Member
Aldous04 began at the beginning.
Posts: 8
Karma: 10
Join Date: Oct 2014
Device: Kindle PW, Marvin for iOS
Originally Posted by davidfor View Post
Hmm, I don't know what is going on. The version I pointed to downloads for me as 1.4.4. I've attached another version that should be 1.4.5. Before installing it, can you delete the directory "annotations_resources" that is in the plugins directory?
Ok, it's correctly identified as 1.4.5 and I'm now getting the directories too:
calibre Debug log
calibre 2.10  isfrozen: True is64bit: False
Windows-8-6.2.9200 Windows ('32bit', 'WindowsPE')
32bit process running on 64bit windows
('Windows', '8', '6.2.9200')
Python 2.7.8
Windows: ('8', '6.2.9200', '', 'Multiprocessor Free')
Successfully initialized third party plugins: DeDRM && K4PC, K4Mac, Kindle Mobi and Topaz DeDRM && Annotations && Marvin XD && iOS reader applications
Starting up...
DEBUG:    0.0  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Annotations plugin 1.4.5 (Windows) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
DEBUG:    0.0 libiMobileDevice:__init__() 
DEBUG:    0.0 libiMobileDevice:load_library(Windows) 
DEBUG:    0.0   libimobiledevice loaded from 'libimobiledevice.dll'
DEBUG:    0.0   libplist loaded from 'libplist.dll'
DEBUG:    0.0 AnnotationsAction:init_options(disable_caching: False) 
DEBUG:    0.0 AnnotationsDB:connect(db_version: 1) 
DEBUG:    0.1 AnnotationsAction:load_dynamic_reader_classes() 
DEBUG:    0.1   loading built-in class 'GoodReader'
DEBUG:    0.1   loading built-in class 'Kindle'
DEBUG:    0.1   loading built-in class 'KoboTouch'
DEBUG:    0.2   loading built-in class 'ParseKindleMyClippingsTxt'
DEBUG:    0.2 AnnotationsAction:inflate_dialog_resources() 
DEBUG:    0.2 CompileUI:compile_ui() 
DEBUG:    0.2   recompiling C:\Users\Alexander\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\annotations_resources\dialogs\cc_wizard.ui
DEBUG:    0.2   recompiling C:\Users\Alexander\AppData\Roaming\calibre\plugins\annotations_resources\dialogs\new_destination.ui
Started up in 6.01 seconds with 947 books
DEBUG:    7.0 AnnotationsAction:launch_library_scanner(updating library index) 
DEBUG:    9.1 AnnotationsAction:library_index_complete() 
DEBUG:   10.9 AnnotationsAction:on_device_connection_changed(Amazon Kindle) 
Job: 1 Get device information started
DeviceJob: 1 Get device information done, calling callback
DeviceJob: 1 Get device information callback returned
Job: 2 Set library information started
DeviceJob: 2 Set library information done, calling callback
DeviceJob: 2 Set library information callback returned
Job: 3 Get list of books on device started
DEBUG:   11.1 USBMS: Fetching list of books from device. Device= KINDLE2 oncard= None
DEBUG:   11.1 USBMS: dirs are: D:\ documents
DEBUG:   11.2 USBMS: scan from root False D:\documents
Job: 1 Get device information finished
No details available.
Job: 2 Set library information finished
No details available.
DEBUG:   11.6 USBMS: count found in cache: 41, count of files in metadata: 41, need_sync: False
DEBUG:   11.6 USBMS: Finished fetching list of books from device. oncard= None
DEBUG:   11.6 USBMS: Fetching list of books from device. Device= KINDLE2 oncard= carda
DEBUG:   11.6 USBMS: Fetching list of books from device. Device= KINDLE2 oncard= cardb
DeviceJob: 3 Get list of books on device done, calling callback
DeviceJob: metadata_downloaded: Starting set_books_in_library
DeviceJob: set_books_in_library: books to process= 41
DeviceJob: set_books_in_library finished: time= 0.0
DeviceJob: metadata_downloaded: updating views
DeviceJob: metadata_downloaded: syncing
DeviceJob: metadata_downloaded: refreshing ondevice
DeviceJob: metadata_downloaded: sending metadata_available signal
DeviceJob: 3 Get list of books on device callback returned
Job: 3 Get list of books on device finished
No details available.
DEBUG:   28.2 AnnotationsAction:launch_library_scanner(updating library index) 
DEBUG:   30.0 AnnotationsAction:get_annotated_books_on_usb_device() 
DEBUG:   30.0  Kindle:get_installed_books()
DEBUG:   30.0 KindleReaderApp:get_path_map() 
DEBUG:   30.0  ids found = 947
DEBUG:   31.8  entries in path_map = 947
DEBUG:   32.3  _get_metadata - path="D:\documents\Seven Discourses on Art_B0082YWBVC.azw"
DEBUG:   32.3 KindleReaderApp:_get_metadata(Finish!!!!) 
DEBUG:   32.3  _get_metadata - path="D:\documents\Oxford Dictionary of English_B0053VMNYW.azw"
DEBUG:   32.4 KindleReaderApp:_get_metadata(Finish!!!!) 
DEBUG:   32.4  _get_metadata - path="D:\documents\Chartism_B005PZN2QO.azw"
DEBUG:   32.4 KindleReaderApp:_get_metadata(Finish!!!!) 
DEBUG:   32.4  _get_metadata - path="D:\documents\Institutes of Oratory_B0032UYFII.azw"
DEBUG:   32.4 KindleReaderApp:_get_metadata(Finish!!!!) 
DEBUG:   32.6 AnnotationsAction:library_index_complete() 
Job: 3 Get list of books on device finished
No details available.
DEBUG:   32.6  _get_metadata - path="D:\documents\Durant, Will\Story of Civilization, Volume III_ Caesar and Christ, The - Will"
DEBUG:   32.7 KindleReaderApp:_get_metadata(Finish!!!!) 
DEBUG:   32.7  Book on device title: The Story of Civilization, Volume III: Caesar and Christ
DEBUG:   32.7  _get_metadata - path="D:\documents\Tomlinson, H. M. (Henry Major)\Sea and the Jungle, The - H. M."
DEBUG:   32.7 KindleReaderApp:_get_metadata(Finish!!!!) 
DEBUG:   32.7  Book on device title: The Sea and the Jungle
DEBUG:   32.7  _get_metadata - path="D:\documents\Waugh, Evelyn\Vile Bodies - Evelyn"
DEBUG:   32.7 KindleReaderApp:_get_metadata(Finish!!!!) 
DEBUG:   32.7  Book on device title: Vile Bodies
DEBUG:   32.7  _get_metadata - path="D:\documents\Waugh, Evelyn\Black Mischief - Evelyn"
DEBUG:   32.7 KindleReaderApp:_get_metadata(Finish!!!!) 
DEBUG:   32.7  Book on device title: Black Mischief
DEBUG:   32.7  _get_metadata - path="D:\documents\Waugh, Evelyn\Scoop - Evelyn"
DEBUG:   32.7 KindleReaderApp:_get_metadata(Finish!!!!) 
DEBUG:   32.7  Book on device title: Scoop
DEBUG:   32.7  _get_metadata - path="D:\documents\Waugh, Evelyn\Brideshead Revisited - Evelyn"
DEBUG:   32.7 KindleReaderApp:_get_metadata(Finish!!!!) 
DEBUG:   32.7  Book on device title: Brideshead Revisited
DEBUG:   32.7  _get_metadata - path="D:\documents\Chartism_B005PZN2QO.azw"
DEBUG:   32.8 KindleReaderApp:_get_metadata(Finish!!!!) 
DEBUG:   32.8  Book on device title: Chartism
DEBUG:   32.8  _get_metadata - path="D:\documents\Marcuse, Herbert\Eros and Civilization - Herbert"
DEBUG:   32.8 KindleReaderApp:_get_metadata(Finish!!!!) 
DEBUG:   32.8  Book on device title: Eros and Civilization
DEBUG:   32.8  _get_metadata - path="D:\documents\White, Gilbert\Natural History of Selborne, The - Gilbert"
DEBUG:   32.8 KindleReaderApp:_get_metadata(Finish!!!!) 
DEBUG:   32.8  Book on device title: The Natural History of Selborne
DEBUG:   32.8  _get_metadata - path="D:\documents\Popper, Karl R_\Open Society and Its Enemies, The - Karl R."
DEBUG:   32.8 KindleReaderApp:_get_metadata(Finish!!!!) 
DEBUG:   32.8  Book on device title: The Open Society and Its Enemies
DEBUG:   32.8  _get_metadata - path="D:\documents\Durant, Will\Story of Civilization, Volume II_ The Life of Greece, The - Will"
DEBUG:   32.8 KindleReaderApp:_get_metadata(Finish!!!!) 
DEBUG:   32.8  Book on device title: The Story of Civilization, Volume II: The Life of Greece
DEBUG:   32.8  _get_metadata - path="D:\documents\Evans, Richard J_\Third Reich at War_ How the Nazis Led Germany From Conquest to Disaster, The - Richard J."
calibre 2.10  isfrozen: True is64bit: False
Windows-8-6.2.9200 Windows ('32bit', 'WindowsPE')
32bit process running on 64bit windows
('Windows', '8', '6.2.9200')
Python 2.7.8
Windows: ('8', '6.2.9200', '', 'Multiprocessor Free')
Successfully initialized third party plugins: DeDRM && K4PC, K4Mac, Kindle Mobi and Topaz DeDRM && Annotations && Marvin XD && iOS reader applications
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "calibre_plugins.annotations.action", line 333, in fetch_usb_device_annotations
  File "calibre_plugins.annotations.action", line 522, in get_annotated_books_on_usb_device
  File "c:\users\alexan~1\appdata\local\temp\calibre_annotations_plugin\", line 168, in get_installed_books
  File "c:\users\alexan~1\appdata\local\temp\calibre_annotations_plugin\", line 265, in _get_metadata
  File "site-packages\calibre\ebooks\metadata\", line 493, in get_metadata
  File "site-packages\calibre\ebooks\mobi\reader\", line 273, in __init__
  File "site-packages\calibre\ebooks\mobi\reader\", line 301, in identity
MobiError: Unknown book type: cÌÆ}ÝÝ›Å

DEBUG:   57.5 AnnotationsAction:shutting_down()
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