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Old 11-15-2008, 09:19 PM   #59
DerHund began at the beginning.
Posts: 12
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Device: Sony PRS-700
Originally Posted by abermp View Post
I received my PRS-700 three days ago; here are my impressions after using it extensively since. First, the screen reminds me more of my old PalmPilot than the PRS-505. Having said that, I am definitely keeping this unit. I have read a 200+ page book on it in all lighting conditions and am very pleased. Occasionally, I have to reposition it due to glare but not often. I have experienced no eye strain. Most of all, I read primarily non-fiction and love to highlight and make notes. The touch screen makes doing both a joy. Highlighting is faster and better than highlighting in a paper simply press at the start of the section and drag to the bottom, release and its done. Note taking is also fast. There is a slight delay in the letters appearing but I simply typed at the fastest speed that I could and the notes appeared. Finally, I used the unit in dim lighting and I didn't feel a need for additional lighting. The lighting is uneven but the text is readable and, again, I didn't experience any eye strain. Overall, I am very pleased with this unit.
Judging from the posting frequency of abermp, it could also be an sony employee justifying a buy for the 700.
Having seen the 700 screen in comparision to the 505, I really cannot understand why anybody would buy a 700...
Sony, you just screwed up on this device...
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