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Old 12-06-2013, 09:02 PM   #1
formatting student
klmmc13 juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exerciseklmmc13 juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exerciseklmmc13 juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exerciseklmmc13 juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exerciseklmmc13 juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exerciseklmmc13 juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exerciseklmmc13 juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exerciseklmmc13 juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exerciseklmmc13 juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exerciseklmmc13 juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exerciseklmmc13 juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exercise
Posts: 47
Karma: 38268
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: South Arkansas, US
Device: several models of Kindle; Several Android tablets & 3 Android phones.
Greetings from South Arkansas

Greetings All from South Arkansas. Nice to meet y'all.

After reading several posts for us newbies by DesertGrandma, and others requesting that we come over here and introduce ourselves, I thought it might be a good idea.

The name is Kathy, the nickname is Kat or MamaDragon (long story). I've been an avid SF/Fantasy reader since I discovered Heinlein's Podkayne of Mars and Andre Norton's books in my junior high school library. (dating myself there)

I grew up in the desert north of Los Angeles, now live in South Arkansas; raising and homeschooling kids & grandkids, and dogs. OH! and Cats and Dragons (they have personal staff, not owners.) I started e-reading on a palm pda, and have graduated to a Nook Color, and a Motorola Razr; the kids have an early nook and kindle 2nd gen.

Now! -- if they'd just make an e-reader that is as durable and easy to carry as a mass-market paperback, versatile(sp) as a tablet for all the differing formats, as much storage as the library of congress, with a version that was a large enough screen for college textbooks or aging eyes, it would be a perfect world.

Have a Good/Peaceful/Quiet/Warm Weekend!
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