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Old 10-27-2013, 05:11 PM   #32
Nameless Being
Originally Posted by HarryT View Post
The main person I'd be harming had I not gone to see this film would be me, given that it's something I've been looking forward to for a long time, and it strikes me as a bit silly to deprive myself of a pleasure simply because the author of the book that it's based on has expressed views that I don't agree with. So no, it never crossed my mind not to see it. Doing so would be depriving myself of a pleasant evening out, and is extremely unlikely to change Mr Card's opinions of gay marriage.
My comment was just on the characterization as a violation of Card's “free speech.” Really freedom of speech does not cover more than saying that the government should not suppress speech and should protect a person's rights to say what they wish without intimidation. That would not include refusing to support a person that you disagree with financially.

If Ender's Game did come to my town I'd probably go see it. I'm not a big enough fan of SciFi by Orson Scott Card or not that it would be a must see for me, but we get few enough films here that are not for the age 16 and under crowd. Card is not a politician, is probably not well known outside of SciFi circles, and has little power to influence laws or public policy. Yeah I disagree with his views on gay rights, most of his political views, and that Mormonism is just strange, but if the film is entertaining none of that would matter to me.

So I'm glad you enjoyed the film. Other than suggesting that “It's a film that really benefits from the "big screen" experience” you haven't really commented on what would draw me into see an adaption of a SciFi novel I've already read. That is seeing hard to imagine technology brought to life.
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