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Old 08-06-2013, 12:12 PM   #546
zoorakhan began at the beginning.
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Custom Values in column by mathematically manipulating values generated by plug-in

Nowadays my book title in my ebook reader goes like this
[Gunning Fox Index] [Book Title] [Word Count]
It give a rough idea how much time I will have to invest to finish the book book. But not satisfied, I would like a more accurate representation.
[Book Title] [ Time to finish in hours]

I have the values of Gunning Fox Index and Word Count from the plug-in. And I know my reading speed is around 350 words per minute (WPM).

Time to read (minutes) = Word Count / Reading Speed
Time to read (hours) = Time to read (minutes) / 60
Adjusted time of read when taking into account the Gunning Fox Index (hours) = [Time to read (hours)] * [(Gunning Fox Index of the book) * (Index Correction Factor, which I take to be 8)]

This ensures book with a gunning box index of lower than 8 (which means books are very basic) will show adjusted time lower than values generated wihout taking GF index into account and vice versa for for complex books having gunning fox higher than 8. (A Discourse Upon the Origin and the Foundation of the Inequality Among Mankind is the highest in my library with value of 23.54)

How can I get this value in a custom column in calibre ? I tried reading the manual but have given up. Best I could do was exporting a catalog in csv format and making a excel file out of it, but can't export these values into ebook reader then. So, if some kind soul could spoon feed me the formula and steps how to go about it , it would be super nice.

TLDR: How to make a custom column that takes value of a custom column (word count) divides it by a constant (3600) multplied by another constant (my WPM i.e. 350). Then the value produced is to be multiplied by value produced by dividing the value in another custom column (Gunning Fox Index) multiplied by another constant (Index Correction Factor, which is to be 8 in my case)
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