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Old 07-19-2013, 03:01 PM   #1539
Jade Aislin
Jade Aislin could sell banana peel slippers to a Deveel.Jade Aislin could sell banana peel slippers to a Deveel.Jade Aislin could sell banana peel slippers to a Deveel.Jade Aislin could sell banana peel slippers to a Deveel.Jade Aislin could sell banana peel slippers to a Deveel.Jade Aislin could sell banana peel slippers to a Deveel.Jade Aislin could sell banana peel slippers to a Deveel.Jade Aislin could sell banana peel slippers to a Deveel.Jade Aislin could sell banana peel slippers to a Deveel.Jade Aislin could sell banana peel slippers to a Deveel.Jade Aislin could sell banana peel slippers to a Deveel.
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Device: Kobo Auro H2O, PRS-T1
I seem to be having problems with the testing feature now. I copied the example Jim gave in a previous post. First I added the [test story:defaults], then I added the [].

My code is:

 ships=>(( )?(-)?( )?[Bb]rother(s)?(ly )?(love)?|( )?(-)?( )?[Ff]amil(y)?(ial)?( Relationship)?)=>\1 (Family)

titlepage_entries: seriesHTML,tcategory,characters,ships,genre,warnings,status,numChapters,numWords,rating,datePublished,dateUpdated,description,site

ships_list:brotherly love Spock/Kirk, Sess/Rin family, Ori/Dori Familial Relationship, Bilbo/Balin - Brothers
However, when I created a story using, many of the columns did not get populated (category, characters, ships, series, warnings). Most of those tags were specified in the defaults section. Am I doing it incorrectly? Although I am testing the ships out, I thought the other columns would fill with what was already given.
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