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Old 09-22-2008, 04:17 PM   #19
literature lover
DojoPat has learned how to buy an e-book online
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Posts: 62
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: New York
Device: Sony Ereader PRS-505 & PRS-300
I had a PRS-500 last year but rarely used it - the contrast was poor, and the buttons were difficult to use.

But once I upgraded to the 505 I became a true convert :-)

I use it every day on the NY subway and love it. So much so, that I have started to give away all my old hardbacks/paperbacks to free up space
in my small apartment.

The 505 has also cured me of my old bibliomania problem. Finally I can walk
past a used-book store without feeling compelled to go inside and waste
an hour hunting for books that would clutter up my home. Yippee!!
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