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Old 05-27-2013, 06:20 PM   #190
Nameless Being
Originally Posted by MrDoug View Post
I think you should change your screen name to Fred Flintstone.
Weren't the Flintstones the modern stone age family?

More seriously though: why can't people pick and choose technologies based upon their interests? I choose ereaders because I was always the type of person who brought two or three books with me because I wanted to make sure I had something to read if my mood changed during a trip, not because I wanted to carry around a huge library or have a backlight. The type of phone I use depends upon where I'm living. If I'm using transit a lot, I like a mobile to check bus times. If I'm living in a place where I don't need transit, landlines work just as well. My computers are fancy because they're my hobby. Yet my word processor is actually a text editor because I don't need the bells and whistles for personal stuff and prefer to use LaTeX (an text processor that hasn't changed much over the years) for formatted documents. We don't have to use the latests and greatest because it's the current market fad. We should choose to use it if it makes our life better, and choose not to use it if it'll drive us to the poor house that much quicker.
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