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Old 03-01-2013, 09:36 AM   #143
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Thumbs down My $0.02 worth

As a former Public Library Director and a Children's Librarian all I have to say is that the author of the article "Libraries have had their day" is sadly mistaken and shows his ignorance of the purpose of the Public Library.

Andrew Carnegie once famously stated that "The Public Library is the poor man's university" and IMO truer words have never been spoken. Public Libraries exist because not everyone is financially solvent enough to be able to afford to purchase every book that catches their fancy whether it be for the simple pleasure of being transported by the written word or having access to reading material to further their own education. As a poster on the wall of my office states "Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no Libraries!"

So what if the author only gets 6p every time one of his precious books is borrowed - that is 6p more than he otherwise would have received as it's highly likely that the folks who borrowed his books in the first place most likely wouldn't spend the 30p he gets retail to buy his book. Another factor this shortsighted individual neglects to consider are the number of his books that are sold because an individual was first exposed to his body of work via the Library. Libraries have suffered far greater attacks than the rantings of this fellow and will be around long after his remains have returned to dust!
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