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Old 01-30-2013, 05:54 AM   #29
ubuntuser has memorized the entire works of Homer, Shakespeare, and Jane Austenubuntuser has memorized the entire works of Homer, Shakespeare, and Jane Austenubuntuser has memorized the entire works of Homer, Shakespeare, and Jane Austenubuntuser has memorized the entire works of Homer, Shakespeare, and Jane Austenubuntuser has memorized the entire works of Homer, Shakespeare, and Jane Austenubuntuser has memorized the entire works of Homer, Shakespeare, and Jane Austenubuntuser has memorized the entire works of Homer, Shakespeare, and Jane Austenubuntuser has memorized the entire works of Homer, Shakespeare, and Jane Austenubuntuser has memorized the entire works of Homer, Shakespeare, and Jane Austenubuntuser has memorized the entire works of Homer, Shakespeare, and Jane Austenubuntuser has memorized the entire works of Homer, Shakespeare, and Jane Austen
Posts: 10
Karma: 23630
Join Date: Jan 2013
Device: Kindle 3
So what do you suggest?
Is there a working hack to stop logging feature?
How Amazon knows that i have this file? Do they check if the file exist, because it's on their todo list?
I followed a tutorial "disable BigBrother features", but it probalby prevents the log sending only.
Maybe changing the url of their "to-do server" would work without chattr'ing developer.keystore?
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