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Old 12-27-2012, 05:32 PM   #2
elvenic 's shirt has a full set of merit badges.elvenic 's shirt has a full set of merit badges.elvenic 's shirt has a full set of merit badges.elvenic 's shirt has a full set of merit badges.elvenic 's shirt has a full set of merit badges.elvenic 's shirt has a full set of merit badges.elvenic 's shirt has a full set of merit badges.elvenic 's shirt has a full set of merit badges.elvenic 's shirt has a full set of merit badges.elvenic 's shirt has a full set of merit badges.elvenic 's shirt has a full set of merit badges.
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: San Jose, CA, USA
Device: Kindle PW, Kobo Glo
I tried to use USER_DEFINED device plugin in Calibre, by entering USB IDs into configuration dialog of the user defined device plugin, and disabling Kindle Fire plugin; after restart, Calibre still did not recognize the device, but the "Debug device detection" now says:


calibre 0.9.11 isfrozen: True is64bit: True
Linux-3.7.1-gentoo-x86_64-Intel-R-_Core-TM-_i5-3570K_CPU_@_3.40GHz-with-gentoo-2.2 Linux ('64bit', 'ELF')
('Linux', '3.7.1-gentoo', '#1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Dec 24 17:47:33 PST 2012')
Python 2.7.3
Linux: ('Gentoo Base System', '2.2', '')
USB devices on system:
[['0x1949', '0x8', '0x216', u'Amazon', u'Kindle', u'B0C9100425020HB3'],
['0x46d', '0xc52b', '0x1201', u'Logitech', u'USB Receiver', u''],
['0x46d', '0x81d', '0x10', u'', u'', u'B05DA890'],
['0x174c', '0x5106', '0x1', u'ASMedia', u'AS2105', u'5XW12KMY']]

Disabled plugins: KINDLE_FIRE

Looking for devices of type: MTP_DEVICE
No known MTP devices connected to system

Looking for devices...
USBDevice(busnum=3, devnum=10, vendor_id=0x1949, product_id=0x0008, bcd=0x0216, manufacturer=Amazon, product=Kindle, serial=B0C9100425020HB3)
Detected possible device USER_DEFINED

Devices possibly connected: User Defined USB driver,
Trying to open User Defined USB driver ... failed
Opening of the following devices failed
<calibre.devices.user_defined.driver.USER_DEFINE D object at 0x1916610>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "site-packages/calibre/devices/", line 157, in debug
File "site-packages/calibre/devices/usbms/", line 862, in open
File "site-packages/calibre/devices/usbms/", line 617, in open_linux
DeviceError: Unable to detect the USER_DEFINED disk drive. Either the device has already been ejected, or your kernel is exporting a deprecated version of SYSFS.


Is this because USER_DEFINED plugin can't work with device that uses MTP protocol even if it knows it's USB IDs?
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