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Old 11-17-2012, 11:22 AM   #30
Dc5e herds cats with both ease and graceDc5e herds cats with both ease and graceDc5e herds cats with both ease and graceDc5e herds cats with both ease and graceDc5e herds cats with both ease and graceDc5e herds cats with both ease and graceDc5e herds cats with both ease and graceDc5e herds cats with both ease and graceDc5e herds cats with both ease and graceDc5e herds cats with both ease and graceDc5e herds cats with both ease and grace
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Join Date: Oct 2012
Device: Kindle Paperwhite and Kindle 3
I've made a small update to the program to enable command line usage. This way you can create a small batch file to pretty much do all of the steps at once.

The command line format for KindleComicParser is as follows:
KindleComicParser.exe [Comic Title] [Path]

If both arguments are omitted, the GUI will open.
If Path is omitted, it will perform the operation in the current directory.

An example batch file (with KindleComicParser.exe, kindlegen,, and the batch file in a folder that's added to Window's PATH environment variable):
echo Kindle Comic Generator

set /p comicname= Please enter comic name: 
KindleComicParser.exe "%comicname%"
kindlegen -c2 "%comicname%.opf" -o ""
Attached Files
File Type: zip KindleComicParser (6.0 KB, 460 views)

Last edited by Dc5e; 11-18-2012 at 10:36 AM.
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