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Old 10-24-2012, 05:06 PM   #33
Mono can differentiate black from dark navy blueMono can differentiate black from dark navy blueMono can differentiate black from dark navy blueMono can differentiate black from dark navy blueMono can differentiate black from dark navy blueMono can differentiate black from dark navy blueMono can differentiate black from dark navy blueMono can differentiate black from dark navy blueMono can differentiate black from dark navy blueMono can differentiate black from dark navy blueMono can differentiate black from dark navy blue
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Yes, it would be possible, but then I wouldn't call it annotating txt/rtf/doc. You cannot read annotated txt/rtf/doc in any program allowing reading those formats, but only in program that is able "join" txt/rtf/doc and aditional info from second file and display it and possibly allow to anotate it further. It may work somehow, but it is very cumbersome.

It really depends what exactly you need. What is your workflow. What students need. What is their workflow. What operating system and software you and students use. And what is the lifespan of the anotated document.

M92 is not, IMO, very suitable for text editing. It is possible to write a word or two, maybe short message, but something more complex would be painful....

I hope, it will be possible to attach a keyboard one day and since then it would be OK. The current sw keyboard is not my favorite...

Maybe might help, if you describe what you need concerning annotation and what exactly you and students do with annotations. If you use Kindle now and want it get replaced with M92, describe what you do with Kindle.
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