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Old 10-04-2012, 09:31 AM   #6
Nameless Being
The PW font issues might be software. Mine is very inconsistent in how the fonts appear page to page. I tried reading a bit last night but it was very difficult as much of the text was thin and washed out, but a few spots of text here and there were crisp and sharp. Every once in a great while I would get a good page where almost all of the text was crisp and sharp, but then the next pages would be crap again. Combine that with the darker background which looks very blue and gray and it is impossible to read on it more than a few minutes at a time. When I put my Touch next to it the text on the Touch looked crisp and sharp and dark but the text on the PW looked like fuzzy and thin and faded much like the old Sony PRS-600 I had back in pre-Pearl screen days. The Sony PRS-x00 line was terrible as it was their first generation of touch screens and the substrate they used made the text difficult to read.
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