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Old 07-05-2012, 08:16 AM   #15
panda53 has a spectacular aura aboutpanda53 has a spectacular aura aboutpanda53 has a spectacular aura aboutpanda53 has a spectacular aura aboutpanda53 has a spectacular aura aboutpanda53 has a spectacular aura aboutpanda53 has a spectacular aura aboutpanda53 has a spectacular aura aboutpanda53 has a spectacular aura aboutpanda53 has a spectacular aura aboutpanda53 has a spectacular aura about
Posts: 56
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: scotland
Device: Kobo Touch and shared Kindle
I am sorry to hear of your problems, but it may help to know that I too am having problems with a Kobo Touch purchased at WHSmiths.

I also reached the Scottish energy line first - but then I noticed that from the UK, it is necessary to dial exactly the number displayed on the Kobo Help page - including the two 00's at the start:

00800 33 22 33 44

Doing that, however, has actually not resolved my problem - and I am still waiting for Kobo to respond to the information they asked me to supply by email on Sunday, and which I sent back to them immediately. I phoned, and my problem was escalated to the Second Tier team on Tuesday, but I have heard nothing further.

Today, since my husband's faulty Kobo is only 33 days old, I tried to return it to the WHSmith's that it came from. They refused to do anything, as it is over the 30 days limit (despite the fact that it only worked for 3 weeks, and then failed while we were on holiday in scandinavia and unable to return it immediately). However, they did give me a form with a FREEPOST address to send it to - titled "Kobo dReader - Faulty Returns".

When I purchased the Kobo Touch, I had no way of knowing that it was an American / Canadian product, with American / Canadian support. WHSmiths is a UK company. Kobo books appears to be a UK website, selling in £. I really like the Kobo Touch - mine is working well, and provides me with great ebook reading. But the whole area of reliability and support is very upsetting.

Good luck!
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