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Old 06-16-2012, 05:04 AM   #230
John the Miner
John the Miner began at the beginning.
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Unfortunately. that depends on whether or not the "publishers" of the books use proofreaders; I don't think they do (as a matter of fact, I'm sure they don't) and it seems, from what I've read in the short time I've been reading these threads, that this profound fact has suddenly burst upon the ebook world to the amazement of the buyers of same (at a much cheaper price than the old-fashioned book store's price).
As I said earlier, you pay for what you get.
People continually letting the world know about how they're "proofreading" ebooks and correcting the mistakes they find, maybe in hopes of getting the suppliers to fix them up and return whatever they paid for them, are missing the whole point ... that is, the publishers couldn't care less about the literals their books contain. Why should they?
They've already got your money.
Wasn't it a Mister Barnum who said, "There's one born every minute"?
There are always buyers out there who will pay less and expect more.
And I'd love to compare the results of what amateurs consider as "proofreading" to what a professional can find in the same text.
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