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Old 03-12-2012, 03:54 PM   #13
mutant_matt can self-interpret dreams as they happen.mutant_matt can self-interpret dreams as they happen.mutant_matt can self-interpret dreams as they happen.mutant_matt can self-interpret dreams as they happen.mutant_matt can self-interpret dreams as they happen.mutant_matt can self-interpret dreams as they happen.mutant_matt can self-interpret dreams as they happen.mutant_matt can self-interpret dreams as they happen.mutant_matt can self-interpret dreams as they happen.mutant_matt can self-interpret dreams as they happen.mutant_matt can self-interpret dreams as they happen.
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Device: Kobo Touch
Originally Posted by l_macd View Post
Collections on the Kindle aren't actual folders (isn't it just Pocketbook readers that support folders?), but yes it lets you sort your books into your own custom categories (and you can have them in more than one), then you can display your books in these categories instead of just listing all the individual books.
Just going on my experience with helping the father-in-law setup his Kindle (using his PC which is running Kubuntu Linux), all I did was connect it up via USB and both transferred some books onto it with a file/folder copy (is that what you guys are calling "sideloading"?), and also, with Calibre (to prove/test both methods). IIRC, I also created a new folder on the Kindle, and moved a book into it (the books came from Guttenberg), and when I disconnected the Kindle from the PC, it restarted, and displayed a "folder" in the home screen, with the book in it. *unless I remember this incorrectly. The Kindle was bought via the web, so I think, came pre-registered...

You have to register and connect via wi-fi once to enable collections
Perhaps collections aren't what I'm thinking of (and hopefully, the above makes it clear what I *am* talking about?

I know a lot of people value the ease of buying books from Amazon and getting them delivered to their Kindle wirelessly at the click of a button, it's a cool feature.
Hard to argue with the ease and simplicity, certainly, and can understand why it helps sells books.

and while I'm not concerned about Amazon having "control over your device, and content" (why on earth would I be?), I rarely turn the wi-fi on.
IMO, because Amazon have demonstrated they can't be trusted with the content you thought was yours when you paid for it (Big Brother being removed from people's devices was one, there was another I forget which), plus the fact that they have control on how many times a title can be re-downloaded, and the fact that you have to rely on the device supporting their DRM, forever. I don't trust anybody like that. (I realise, to some people, that sounds ridiculous (and I also realise there are ways to get rid of the DRM), but, "different strokes..." )
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