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Old 01-29-2012, 01:24 PM   #5
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LisaRealWriter began at the beginning.
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Update: I figured it out. The “select no spacing between paragraphs” and a negative indent does work, except I had to make a lot of adjustments to the format in the html file.

For inquiring minds: I am trying to create a Kindle book. I use Mobipocket Creator, since that inserts the “start” guide. But it condenses the size of the cover to under 63kb, and the color result is terrible. I tried replacing the cover by feeding it along with the created opf file into Kindlegen, but even though the program is not supposed to condense a cover that’s under 127kb, it does resample it using the lowest quality, and the cover comes out distorted. (Same thing for Mobi2mobi.) I tried feeding the mobi file into Calibre and then replacing the cover, but the format gets wrecked beyond repair and I get that extra toc at the end of the book no matter what I select. After fiddling around with the html format, I found that feeding the Mobipocket-created prc file into Calibre works perfectly. The cover is great, all the guides work, the ncx navigation is perfect, and only my internal toc is included. (Plus, now I don’t have to fiddle with the files in the Mobipocket stage to get the ncx file working, since Calibre does it all.) The result is great. Now aren’t you sorry you asked? ;-)
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