Originally Posted by CRussel
Well, the overall reading volume is OK -- I doubt I'll have any difficulty reaching 100 books, though that wasn't really a specific goal.
I'm doing only so-so on reducing the TBR. I haven't bought many books, but I have gotten several from the library so my overall TBR is actually up a bit. And I'm definitely not doing as well as I'd planned on reading more classics. It's hard, I've got too many exciting things in myTBR.
Sounds like your "Classics" challenge is closer to the "I should" category, than the "I want" category at the moment. Just give your self time...I'm sure if its a real "want", you'll get in the mood to read a few of them.
Reducing one's TBR feels almost impossible with so many freebies and library options available. You might have to make a specific list and stick to it, to get that to work.
Continued luck!