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Old 12-31-2011, 11:42 PM   #131
A Jane of All Trades
Sassapphras can illuminate an eclipseSassapphras can illuminate an eclipseSassapphras can illuminate an eclipseSassapphras can illuminate an eclipseSassapphras can illuminate an eclipseSassapphras can illuminate an eclipseSassapphras can illuminate an eclipseSassapphras can illuminate an eclipseSassapphras can illuminate an eclipseSassapphras can illuminate an eclipseSassapphras can illuminate an eclipse
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I don't completely and utterly agree with asciibaron (although his smart remarks are pure entertainment to me), but I believe this:

Who cares! Who cares what other people do with their devices. It's theirs. I bought a KT 3g, no SO, and I do not in anyway begrudge those who bought SO devices "hacking" them. I bought mine without SO because I could, and didn't want to deal with the mess of getting rid of ads if I didn't like them. But if someone else is willing to go through that extra effort to get rid of their SO, then so be it. That's their prerogative. It's like a bunch of Jehovah Witnesses or Christian missionaries in here trying to force their [moral] beliefs on others. They didn't walk into a store and rob it. They didn't hurt anybody. They removed special offers. Save your fight for something that really matters. And THAT is what's wrong with America these days. Everybody getting all up in everybody's business. Mind your own!

As far as paying to remove ads, from what I understand, even though you, in the end, pay as much as you would have for a non SO Kindle, it only works on the account that was paid off. So even though you paid your dues, if you change the account the Kindle SO is attached to, you must pay off Amazon again. Talk about shady.
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