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Old 12-31-2011, 09:22 PM   #113
Morpheus Phreak
Wielder of Hammers
Morpheus Phreak is not intimidated by interfenestral monkeys.Morpheus Phreak is not intimidated by interfenestral monkeys.Morpheus Phreak is not intimidated by interfenestral monkeys.Morpheus Phreak is not intimidated by interfenestral monkeys.Morpheus Phreak is not intimidated by interfenestral monkeys.Morpheus Phreak is not intimidated by interfenestral monkeys.Morpheus Phreak is not intimidated by interfenestral monkeys.Morpheus Phreak is not intimidated by interfenestral monkeys.Morpheus Phreak is not intimidated by interfenestral monkeys.Morpheus Phreak is not intimidated by interfenestral monkeys.Morpheus Phreak is not intimidated by interfenestral monkeys.
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Originally Posted by asciibaron View Post
what false pretense - i had zero knowledge that one could remove the ads or of any other modifications that can be made to these devices prior to joining this forum. i found this website and the answers within and gave them a try, why not. if it's such a problem, ALL hacking threads need to be removed and anyone how tries to post such things banned from the sub-culture for ever and ever. how dare they violate the good graces of the Amazon Corporation.

blame yourselves for having an open community for allowing others to circumvent the ads and add screensavers, fonts, apps, and many other modifications to the device, which violate the terms in the contract you all agreed to.

if this forum didn't exist, my device would still have ads on it. how about them apples.
Got it. You have no intention of actually discussing the matter. You merely want to be sarcastic, blame others & justify theft. Understood.

You could have just said I'm a thief who takes no responsibility for anything I've done and we would have gotten the message all the same.

I like how you claim this forum is at fault for you modifying your device. Information itself isn't harmful, just like a gun isn't harmful. It's what WE do with the information that can be harmful.

You COULD have paid the difference at Amazon and had the ads removed. You CHOSE not to do so. We (and the forum) had nothing to do with your decision. There's nothing wrong with jailbreaking to provide additional functionality, as long as it harms no one else.

Being able to change screensavers or fonts is just fine. There's no one losing money in that scenario.
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