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Old 11-16-2011, 08:53 AM   #16
clittle can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterclittle can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterclittle can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterclittle can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterclittle can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterclittle can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterclittle can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterclittle can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterclittle can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterclittle can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterclittle can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameter
Posts: 115
Karma: 12788
Join Date: Nov 2010
Device: Kindle 3
Hi, It turned out that the books I added were visible to one file manager (the one I used to add the books) but not to kindle and not to a second file manager. Very odd. I don't understand how this can be; but it was.

Using the second file manger to place the books in the kindle folder worked!

Go figure?
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