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Old 04-23-2008, 05:40 AM   #1
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northbikerjr began at the beginning.
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Wink Ectaco Jetbook and trying to find the right ebook reader.

Read the forums here and some reviews on this ebook device, but didnt find much substance.
Was looking at this versus cybook. Also was pissed off with the EUR pricing here in Europe and having to pay a lot more for the cybook device.

Anyone have one of these now? If so, what are the pros and cons versus cybook.

I read somewhere that the jetbook might be better with pdf.
So here my requirements.
1. I want an open system file format to use.
2. Works good with pdf--Not interested in the paying > 400usd.
3. Want to read technical books--ala programming, system books. So pdf format and chtml, etc. Can occassionally read leisure books, but not required.
4. Needs to be simple.

Ps. I like Sony, but it is not very open based on what I have read and the pdf support is not the best, so I am unsure of it being in the mix?
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