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Old 07-26-2011, 02:56 AM   #38
Melancholy Clown
Caesius is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!Caesius is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!Caesius is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!Caesius is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!Caesius is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!Caesius is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!Caesius is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!Caesius is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!Caesius is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!Caesius is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!Caesius is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!
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Originally Posted by ebusinesstutor View Post
My Android tablet died, and I just shifted to reading on my iPhone and from my physical book collection.
eBT, would you mind sharing your experience of shifting to your iPhone, for however long it was? The screen size not an issue for you? How about the constant page turning because of the screen size? That sort of takes me out of the story and that is likely my biggest complaint. It is like turning over a record, or when we used to listen to 8 track tapes and in the middle of a song it would stop a second, switch tracks, then resume.

This has been one of my problems. I have an iPod Touch and I actually like iBooks, for the most part. So, I keep taking that with me in the constant hope that "it will do for now." But then I find myself just a bit unsatisfied, having come from a 7" screen. And making the font larger gives me less to read per page, so I try to go smaller. But perhaps it is simply something I need to just get used to, perhaps I am not giving it a chance.
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