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Old 07-23-2011, 03:31 AM   #1
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levil began at the beginning.
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Device: Kobo Touch
Fonts question (special characters in stock and custom fonts)

Dear Kobo Touch Users

I am new here but hope to become a regular member as I am likely becoming a Kobo Touch user soon.

The day they became available in Borders stores I tried one and it had flaws that were deal breakers at the time. But I see there have been improvements to the firmware that dealt with some of the problems I had (margins and line spacing in ebooks) and might have dealt with others. Namely, two non-standard characters in the Hungarian language that were not showing up. I also see here that loading your own fonts is possible. Maybe that could solve my problem if the new firmware didn't.

Hungarian has two characters that are not in the standard ASCII keyset. These are o and u with two long forward leaning accents above them (like this: / / ). This was not an issue with epubs using some fonts (though not all)
on Nook Touch, Nook Color, Kindle 3 (after converting with Calibre). I was pretty shocked to see ?-s in the text on the Kobo Touch that actually advertise itself as a more international reader. I used this freely available book for testing all the listed devices:

The 9th word in the body of the first chapter is idő (ido with the accents on the o). Came up as id? on the Kobo Touch (using the firmware that it used when the first ones arrived at Borders stores). A couple paragraphs later the word szegfűk (szegfuk with the accents being on the u) came up as szegf?k. This word is followed by szorosan in case you need to search for something near by without accents.

Would someone check and see if this issue is fixed? I know that on one of the competitors only some fonts worked, others didn't. So please check with all fonts if you check. Let me know how it goes. If it all fails, can someone savvy enough to add custom fonts see if they can fix the issue with the custom fonts?

I would greatly appreciate the help. The next paycheck is coming soon and I am almost ready to buy. This is the last issue I still have but I am fairly certain that, if nothing else, custom fonts can solve this.

I'd really appreciate the input.
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