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Old 06-28-2010, 07:25 PM   #5
Edge User
What would be really awesome would be if Amazon and enTourage could work out some sort of partnership and offer official support for it.

It would seem to make sense for Amazon: by releasing Kindle for Android and iOS, they are clearly interested in broadening their user base to non-Kindle mobile hardware. And given that they're now selling the 6" Kindle for <$200, I can't imagine that they have any sort of a margin on selling the Kindle units. The profit would be in selling the ebooks.

As for enTourage, I can only speculate that they're hoping to generate a significant amount of revenue from the selling ebooks given that I can't imagine that their margins are very high on the eDGe itself either. But their ebook store is pretty limited and the prices aren't very competitive (compared to Amazon's Kindle store). eDGe users would certainly be better off if there was a way to view Kindle ebooks on the eInk side. Perhaps there is a way to split the money so that both companies could make a decent enough profit to make it worth their while.