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Old 05-05-2011, 04:49 PM   #8
Last_of_the_PEs began at the beginning.
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Originally Posted by sarah11918 View Post
I responded to you in a different thread. I'm getting technical difficulties when I try to register as a new user (I tried just to see what would happen) but I'm not seeing anything that is explicitly saying they're not accepting new registrations.

The website has been seriously wonky, like for 2 days unusable kind of wonky, so are you sure you're not confusing malfunctioning with not accepting new registrations? Have you been told that you can't register, or are you just unable to and concluding that they're not taking new registrations?
I'm assuming, but I think it's logical. You don't let ANY part of a website go down this long unless it's down for good.
The store is gone, the apps are reportedly cut back. New users expecting a fully-functional site aren't going to shower the forum with daisies, so why even let them join? That would just bring down the existing users. Are there any noob questions that aren't already answered on the existing forum content? Or it may just be something as simple as, fixing registration isn't a high enough priority to draw from reduced resources right now.
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