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Old 04-17-2011, 08:47 PM   #1
MamaSylvia doesn't litterMamaSylvia doesn't litter
Posts: 27
Karma: 124
Join Date: Mar 2011
Device: Droid 1, Kindle 3
What exactly does a tablet do?

I currently have an old PDA (Toshiba e800) that automagically syncs with Outlook 2007 and one directory on my main computer using Windows Mobile. It has a few games, old versions of Word, Excel, and Windows Media Player (which plays my MP3 files and even supports playlists), and runs an old e-reader program called Vade Mecum, but not much else. It works fine, but it doesn't have much memory, and there is no Kindle app for it.

I would love a smartphone but can't justify the monthly connection fee. A tablet sounds possible but I haven't been able to find one affordable that has the features I want. It MUST sync with a calendar/contact/task program (doesn't have to be Outlook but the PC program must be free or super cheap if it's not Outlook). It must have WiFi capability, a decent browser, at least Word and Excel, and an MP3 player - don't really care about videos. Some games would be nice but I'm not fussy. It must run a Kindle app - K for Android is probably the best possibility. I don't expect to be doing tons of writing on it, so I can use either a screen-tap keyboard or a handwriting recognition entry system. I refuse to use an Apple product.

Does this sound like a tablet will do what I want? Or should I look in a different direction?
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