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Old 04-03-2011, 09:21 PM   #1
adam_omega began at the beginning.
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iBooks issue - Missing a list table of contents?

We submitted six comic books of a series to the iBookstore and Vol. 1-4 were approved, but Vol. 5-6 were not. They were red "Removed from Sale." When I contacted support they, they said the following in a reply:

"[book title] Vol. 6 is missing a list table of contents. Please redeliver and let us know so we can ticket the title in order to go live in the iBookstore."

The thing is... all 6 of the books have identical coding that includes an xhtml table of contents that links to the individual starts of the chapters within the book. It makes absolutely no sense that books 1-4 would be approved and 5-6 wouldn't when they're virtually identical on a code level.

When the two books were not approved, I thought the issue might be the fact that we had a one page ad in the very back of them for the print omnibus editions, so I removed those thinking it might be the issue. But now I get that email reply from support and I'm at a loss.

Anyone have any ideas?
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