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Old 01-19-2008, 03:52 PM   #177
JeffElkins is no ebook tyro.JeffElkins is no ebook tyro.JeffElkins is no ebook tyro.JeffElkins is no ebook tyro.JeffElkins is no ebook tyro.JeffElkins is no ebook tyro.JeffElkins is no ebook tyro.JeffElkins is no ebook tyro.JeffElkins is no ebook tyro.JeffElkins is no ebook tyro.
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Device: Kobo Clara 2E/HD, Kindle PW
Originally Posted by tompe View Post
Version 0.0.26 with Windows binaries is available from:

Changes in 0.0.26:
  • --prefixtitle now works for mobi2mobi and when input is a PalmDOC file.
  • Fixed bug with mobi2mobi and --coverimage. It did not work if the file did not contain any images.
  • Fixed rescaling bug. Now also images whose height is greater than 640 are rescaled. This is done because of a bug in the Gen3.
  • Fixed bug in mobi2mobi --fiximagesizes. In Linux the wrong tmp file was read.
  • Introduced a flag --gen3imagefix to mobi2mobi that can be used if you have a book that hang the Gen3. These kind of hangings are often caused by a large image in the book. This is a firmware bug in the Gen3.
  • Added call to fix_pre_tags in lit2mobi
  • Now it is possible to add author information to a Mobipocket file that does not have an EXTH.
lit2mobi example1.lit
Unpack file example1.lit in dir ctmp
+---[ ConvertLIT (Version 1.8) ]---------------[ Copyright (c) 2002,2003 ]---
ConvertLIT comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details
see the COPYING file or visit "".
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under
certain conditions.  See the GPL license for details.
DRM         =  1
Timestamp   =  a6b86513
Creator     =  00000058
Language    =  00001009
Writing out "Farmer,_Philip_Jose_-_Riverworld_06_-_(_Shorts)_Tales_of_Riverworld" as "Farmer, Philip Jose - Riverworld 06 - ( Shorts) Tales of Riverworld.htm" ...
Successfully written to "ctmp/Farmer, Philip Jose - Riverworld 06 - ( Shorts) Tales of Riverworld.htm".

Writing out "RW_~Cover01" as "~Cover01.jpg" ...
Successfully written to "ctmp/~Cover01.jpg".

Writing out "RW_~Cover02" as "~Cover02.jpg" ...
Successfully written to "ctmp/~Cover02.jpg".

Writing out "RW_~Cover03" as "~Cover03.jpg" ...
Successfully written to "ctmp/~Cover03.jpg".

Writing out "RW_~Cover04" as "~Cover04.jpg" ...
Successfully written to "ctmp/~Cover04.jpg".

Writing out "RW_~Cover05" as "~Cover05.jpg" ...
Successfully written to "ctmp/~Cover05.jpg".

Exploded "example1.lit" into "ctmp/".
Read in HTML tree from opf
Opf: Initialize from file: example1.opf
CONTENT: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE package
  PUBLIC "+//ISBN 0-9673008-1-9//DTD OEB 1.0.1 Package//EN"
<package unique-identifier="OverDriveGUID">
  <dc-metadata xmlns:dc="" xmlns:oebpackage="">
   <dc:Title>Farmer, Philip Jose - Riverworld 06 - ( Shorts) Tales of Riverworld</dc:Title>
   <dc:Creator role="aut">Philip Jose Farmer</dc:Creator>
   <dc:Identifier id="OverDriveGUID" scheme="GUID">{54B56D18-7D64-42EB-AE2A-3D55AC2117DF}</dc:Identifier>
   <meta name="rwver-ReaderWorks-SDK-Control" content=" (08/17/2001)" />
   <meta name="rwver-HTML-Input-Filter" content=" (08/17/2001)" />
   <meta name="rwver-Image-Input-Filter" content=" (08/17/2001)" />
   <meta name="rwver-Text-Input-Filter" content=" (08/17/2001)" />
   <meta name="rwver-LIT-file-generator" content=" (10/05/2000)" />
   <meta name="rw-License-Key" content="RWPTL" />
  <item id="Farmer,_Philip_Jose_-_Riverworld_06_-_(_Shorts)_Tales_of_Riverworld" href="Farmer, Philip Jose - Riverworld 06 - ( Shorts) Tales of Riverworld.htm" media-type="text/html" />
  <item id="RW_~Cover01" href="~Cover01.jpg" media-type="image/jpeg" />
  <item id="RW_~Cover02" href="~Cover02.jpg" media-type="image/jpeg" />
  <item id="RW_~Cover03" href="~Cover03.jpg" media-type="image/jpeg" />
  <item id="RW_~Cover04" href="~Cover04.jpg" media-type="image/jpeg" />
  <item id="RW_~Cover05" href="~Cover05.jpg" media-type="image/jpeg" />
  <itemref idref="Farmer,_Philip_Jose_-_Riverworld_06_-_(_Shorts)_Tales_of_Riverworld" />
  <reference type="" href="~Cover01.jpg" />
  <reference type="" href="~Cover02.jpg" />
  <reference type="" href="~Cover03.jpg" />
  <reference type="" href="~Cover04.jpg" />
  <reference type="" href="~Cover05.jpg" />
OPF: TITLE: Farmer, Philip Jose - Riverworld 06 - ( Shorts) Tales of Riverworld
OPF: CREATOR: Philip Jose Farmer
Init from manifest
Farmer,_Philip_Jose_-_Riverworld_06_-_(_Shorts)_Tales_of_Riverworld - Farmer, Philip Jose - Riverworld 06 - ( Shorts) Tales of Riverworld.htm - text/html
RW_~Cover01 - ~Cover01.jpg - image/jpeg
Could not read image file: ~Cover01.jpg
RW_~Cover02 - ~Cover02.jpg - image/jpeg
Could not read image file: ~Cover02.jpg
RW_~Cover03 - ~Cover03.jpg - image/jpeg
Could not read image file: ~Cover03.jpg
RW_~Cover04 - ~Cover04.jpg - image/jpeg
Could not read image file: ~Cover04.jpg
RW_~Cover05 - ~Cover05.jpg - image/jpeg
Could not read image file: ~Cover05.jpg
Warning, RW_~Cover01 missing from spine, adding
Warning, RW_~Cover02 missing from spine, adding
Warning, RW_~Cover03 missing from spine, adding
Warning, RW_~Cover04 missing from spine, adding
Warning, RW_~Cover05 missing from spine, adding
Init from guide
OPFTITLE: Farmer, Philip Jose - Riverworld 06 - ( Shorts) Tales of Riverworld
OPFAUTHOR: Philip Jose Farmer
Coverimage: ~Cover02.jpg
SPINE: adding Farmer,_Philip_Jose_-_Riverworld_06_-_(_Shorts)_Tales_of_Riverworld - Farmer, Philip Jose - Riverworld 06 - ( Shorts) Tales of Riverworld.htm - text/html
Adding: Farmer, Philip Jose - Riverworld 06 - ( Shorts) Tales of Riverworld.htm - Farmer,_Philip_Jose_-_Riverworld_06_-_(_Shorts)_Tales_of_Riverworld
+++.+SPINE: adding RW_~Cover01 - ~Cover01.jpg - image/jpeg
SPINE: adding RW_~Cover02 - ~Cover02.jpg - image/jpeg
SPINE: adding RW_~Cover03 - ~Cover03.jpg - image/jpeg
SPINE: adding RW_~Cover04 - ~Cover04.jpg - image/jpeg
SPINE: adding RW_~Cover05 - ~Cover05.jpg - image/jpeg
All spine elements have been added
Have Read in HTML tree from opf
Saving mobi file (version 4):
EXTH setting data: author - 100 - Philip Jose Farmer - 0x5068696c6970204a6f7365204661726d6572
EXTH add: author - 100 - Philip Jose Farmer
EXTH setting data: coveroffset - 201 - 0 - 0x30
EXTH add: coveroffset - 201 - 0 - 0x30
EXTH setting data: thumboffset - 202 - 1 - 0x31
EXTH add: thumboffset - 202 - 1 - 0x31
MOBIHDR: imgrecpointer: 207
EXTH setting data: author - 100 - Philip Jose Farmer - 0x5068696c6970204a6f7365204661726d6572
EXTH add: author - 100 - Philip Jose Farmer
EXTH setting data: coveroffset - 201 - 0 - 0x30
EXTH add: coveroffset - 201 - 0 - 0x30
EXTH setting data: thumboffset - 202 - 1 - 0x31
EXTH add: thumboffset - 202 - 1 - 0x31
New record for image 207: ~Cover02.jpg
Reading data from file: ~Cover02.jpg - 510 x 680
[Image::BMP] ERROR: Not a bitmap: [~Cover02.jpg] at /usr/local/bin/MobiPerl/ line 488
Thanks for this update!

For me it still crashes on:

Both fail with a hard crash at /usr/local/bin/MobiPerl/ line 488


Add coverimage fails:
mobi2mobi --coverimage cover.jpg --outfile
When exploded, the coverimage .jpg has been included in the file

However, the globbed text seems to be corrected.

BTW, Think about setting up a paypal tip jar on your site. At the very least I'm sure you'll gain beer money...I know I owe you a case of your favorite

Last edited by JeffElkins; 01-19-2008 at 04:13 PM. Reason: add bugreport
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