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Old 01-05-2008, 09:19 AM   #4
Junior Member
taoistpunk began at the beginning.
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Device: PRS-505
I remember Max

I was around for betamax, and minidisc, and mylo, and I still bought the PRS-505. I know sony's history, but with great opensource software(thanks Kovid!), I don't see the device losing its value to me anytime soon. I have a huge library of ebooks (that grows daily), and it's unlikely I'll run out of reading material anytime soon.

When it comes down to it, I bought sony for look, feel, and functionality...the kindle is ugly and has a horrendous UI (IMHO). My sony reader looks and feels, not to mention works, beautifully.

They may not be the brighstest when it comes to Formats(although with WARNER on board for Blue Ray, HD-DVD might be losing the war...good thing I haven't invested in a player yet), and they love their closed world (sony memory stick, minidisc, beta), they make some really elegant hardware, and have an awesome design team.

No, I can't buy a book anywhere over the kindle network, but I don't really need to. With over 100 books on my reader, it's unlikely I'll run out of material while "on the road"

enjoy whatever reader you have...if it works for you, that is all that matters.
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