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Old 12-26-2010, 04:00 PM   #6
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arsenal_fan began at the beginning.
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Device: The Sharper Image Literati Ereader
Originally Posted by Cgray View Post
Holy hell. This thing is, IMO, borderline actionable in a legal sense. Functions promised on the package which not only don't work, but evidently *don't exist*. I got one for Christmas, and am going to be returning it. If I can't return it, I'll probably just throw it away. It's left that much of a bad taste in my mouth to the point where I'm seriously considering just sticking with dead tree and ignoring the ebook end of things unless I can read them on my desktop computer.

It's that bad.

So some questions.

1. has anyone-- *anyone* successfully loaded a pdf on it? I've done everyting the cheery manual says and no go. If someone can tell me how to do that, hopefully before monday, I might be tempted to keep it. Might.

Also, avoid the "Reset to factory defaults." Yes, it gets rid of your books. It also destroys the file structure and leaves the storage space unformatted, requiring you to reformat it using your desktop computer-- and I have no idea if that format works with the literati books, since, oh right, I haven't been able to LOAD any. (well, they're loaded, as far as the browser on my computer is concered, but not as far as the literati is concerned).

It crashes, freezes, on a fairly random basis.

I can safely say, having updated to the newest firmware, that this product is an utter dog. It is useless for anything other than the most basic ereading of what comes from the Kobo store. A nice color screen is no good, if it doesn't work-- sort of like the raciest looking car in the world is a lawn sculpture if you don't bother, I dunno, to install a working engine.

I was able to load pdfs in it. Actually I recommend a factory reset. Can't you backup your ebooks? Ok this is what I went through. When I first turned it on, I entered in the date and then entered the wi-fi info. It then told me that I the software needs to be upgraded and I let it go ahead. Then the ebook reader powered off (I thought it would restart but it never did). I manually turned it on. When I checked the software version it has version 1.9 dated December 3rd 2010. Then I connected the device via the USB to my PC and opened up the drive in explorer. I dragged a few pdf files and unplugged it after which it processed data but no pdfs showed up in the ereader DOCS menu even though they were present in the ereader. When I tried to manually delete the files from explorer it threw an error saying "cannot read data from source or disk". After trying for long I decided to do a factory reset. It powered off and when I turned it back on I got a screen saying your software is being updated. After this everything worked fine. The ebook reader is faster and I was just able to drag pdfs into the drive and they did show up in the DOCS menu and now I'm relatively satisfied.

Note: even after the 2nd update the version of the software is the same.

You can try this and see if it works. It is a decent device and better for pdfs than the Aluratek Libre which I own too but plan on returning.

Good Luck
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