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Old 12-17-2010, 12:35 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by JohnRausch View Post
...But what I want and I think thousands of people want is an authoring tool that automates the repetitive, error-prone steps in building a MOBI file that puts the TOC where most humans expect to find it. Calibre comes so close to being just about perfect for this, but putting the TOC at the end of the book is just plain wrong.
I totally agree. When I open a book, I expect to see the table of contents at the beginning of the book. Not buried on the last page. Sure, readers can hit the table of contents button and get there but why force them to? Sure, I can manually inject a table of contents into the content but that's extra work.

I don't understand why such a reasonable and common sense request would be "low on the totem pole".
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