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Old 11-25-2010, 02:39 AM   #1
Nook 3G SN100227 FW1.4.3
jmbrowning began at the beginning.
Posts: 11
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Device: Nook refurb FTW!
Root Nook Refurb old SN but FW 1.4.3

I got myself a Nook3G refurb with an older SN 100227 and I opened it to confirm that it has the socketed flash microSD card instead of soldered, but oddly it comes with FW 1.4.3 installed. I tried hard resetting the device thinking that it might comeback with an older firmware, but it still comes back 1.4.3.

So, now I am trying to figure out how to best root this strange thing. NookDevs, bless em, like most coders know how to write code, but documentation stinks.

Can I still edit init.rc with FW1.4.3 as seen here? This seems to be the method I understand the best to root if it still works (firmware doesn't check hash for config files).

If I download the 1.0.0 firmware as outlined here, can I simply write it to the internal microSD card (after backing up the original 1.4.3 firmware) and then reinstall the firmware by doing the hold power down for 12 seconds six times in a row? This would save me the trouble of installing APK's but I guess I'd have to do that eventually anyways as some installed apps are out of date. Is the hardware change they refer to in this page strictly how the internal flash memory is installed (socketed microSD vs soldered)? BTW, does anybody have an MD5 for the original 1.0.0 firmware (didn't Ronald Reagan say trust but verify those sneaky russkies? )

The other option is to spoof barnesandnoble with a fake DNS server and have the reader download the rooted firmware as an update. Only problem here is that it is only listed as having worked with 1.4.2 and I can't confirm that it has worked for 1.4.3. This is probably the most elegant solution as it doesn't require me to tear into the reader again. The only thing that would make it more elegant would be to have the init.rc already edited (instead of downloading and then editing) and to host both the rooted firmware and poisoned DNS on a static IP, so that NookRoot could be done online by changing the DNS on the router to the spoofing DNS (I suspect that this would violate most ISP TOS however).

Well, thanks in advance to any and all who have already figured this one out.
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