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Old 09-19-2010, 11:55 AM   #45
EbokJunkie can differentiate black from dark navy blueEbokJunkie can differentiate black from dark navy blueEbokJunkie can differentiate black from dark navy blueEbokJunkie can differentiate black from dark navy blueEbokJunkie can differentiate black from dark navy blueEbokJunkie can differentiate black from dark navy blueEbokJunkie can differentiate black from dark navy blueEbokJunkie can differentiate black from dark navy blueEbokJunkie can differentiate black from dark navy blueEbokJunkie can differentiate black from dark navy blueEbokJunkie can differentiate black from dark navy blue
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Device: Kindle 3, Kindle PW, Pocketbook 301+, Pocketbook Touch, Sony 950, 350
Guys I successfully converted some stardict dictionaries to mobi. However, I see a big problem: All my newly converted dictionaries freeze my Kindle 3. Interesting that freeze occurs only when I try to browse dictionary. When I set this dictionary as primary floating prompt works and I see no freezes. When I go to expanded view dictionary nicely displays first page of respective entry. When I press turn page button to read the next page of long entry my Kindle often (but not always) freezes and I need to reboot.
My only suspects are versions of GTK2 and stardict editor and compression setting in Mobipocket Creator.
If you don't see any problems with dictionaries on your Kindle please let me know what versions of stardict editor and GTK2 do you use. Mine are 3.0.1 for stardict editor, GTK2 2.16.6 (
Also, do you set compression option in Mobipocket Creator? I set it to uncompressed but this did not help.
Thank you.


Looks as I found the workaround. Just don't use Mobipocket Creator, use mobigen.exe with options c0 and s0 - no compression, no encryption. That worked for me, no freezes anymore.

Last edited by EbokJunkie; 09-21-2010 at 12:55 PM.
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