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Old 08-19-2010, 03:34 PM   #1
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Ereaderfan began at the beginning.
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Location: The Netherlands
Device: Cybook Gen3
Trouble deciding: Bebook Neo/Kindle 3

The first day of my holiday I longed for a nice long read on my faithful Cybook Gen3 (over 3 years old). It was then that I discovered that the screen had cracked during travel. So I had to 'suffer' two weeks of vacation without reading any books (I was in France and they had no books in English wherever I looked).

I've been looking up information for a replacement because I'm seriously suffering from withdrawl symptoms. I've thought about buying a 'new' Cybook Gen3 because it worked perfectly for me for the past three years, but it is a somewhat outdated model and I think it might be time to try something new.

The Bebook Neo caught my eye as did the new Kindle 3 but I'm having serious trouble deciding which one to choose. Both support Mobipocket/PRC files, and I have a lot of those (non-DRMed).

The Bebook Neo is more expensive, but locally available with faster options for support. The Bebook has also recieved some very good reviews. The downside appears to be the price and the current problems with battery life. The Kindle is a popular choice which usually means more support and somewhat regular updates of the firmware. It also has good reviews, but there's a several week waiting period for shipment and delivery, while I can get a Bebook by tomorrow.

I do not intend to buy ebooks using the Wifi and/or 3G options of the ereader itself, so it's just an added feature, but holds no special value for me. Touchscreen is nice if it works well, especially if you can turn it off when you don't use it. I do not take any notes.

I use my ereader for reading only and I like a sturdy, dependable device that I can enjoy for the foreseeable future. It needs to support Mobi/PRC and HTML first and foremost, the rest is just a bonus. I have few ePud-files, but I might consider buying some if the quality is good enough. Battery life is important, but not paramount. I read 5-6 books a week, so if I need to recharge once a week I'm more than happy.

Before I decide, I would really appreciate your advice in this.
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