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Old 08-05-2010, 09:44 AM   #88
ebsebs possesses cleverness exceeding the boundaries of Space and Timeebsebs possesses cleverness exceeding the boundaries of Space and Timeebsebs possesses cleverness exceeding the boundaries of Space and Timeebsebs possesses cleverness exceeding the boundaries of Space and Timeebsebs possesses cleverness exceeding the boundaries of Space and Timeebsebs possesses cleverness exceeding the boundaries of Space and Timeebsebs possesses cleverness exceeding the boundaries of Space and Timeebsebs possesses cleverness exceeding the boundaries of Space and Timeebsebs possesses cleverness exceeding the boundaries of Space and Timeebsebs possesses cleverness exceeding the boundaries of Space and Timeebsebs possesses cleverness exceeding the boundaries of Space and Time
Posts: 99
Karma: 49970
Join Date: Jul 2010
Device: Nook ST/Nook HD+
I was reading some scanned comics. The original size of the images in the CBR file was 1242 high x 828 wide. I set the EPUB conversion program to make the images a maximum of 800 pixels high, to match the TB screen size. I had it autocrop the edges, but I didn't "clean" the images, since that changes color images to B&W!

The text was a little small, but it was readable. If I set the TB zoom level to maximum, the images became slightly larger, but no major change.
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