Thread: Amazing deal
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Old 07-28-2010, 12:18 AM   #1
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MartinParish has learned how to read e-booksMartinParish has learned how to read e-booksMartinParish has learned how to read e-booksMartinParish has learned how to read e-booksMartinParish has learned how to read e-booksMartinParish has learned how to read e-booksMartinParish has learned how to read e-books
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Amazing deal

Can you believe it...all six volumes of Edward Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire on Kindle for just $0.99!!! A thousand-plus page book in six volumes - the man's life work, as it happens - and on sale for just under a buck. Whether you'll be able to plough through the whole thing (Kindle or no Kindle) is another question, given that whatever talents as a writer Gibbon may have possessed, brevity certainly wasn't among them. Moreover, the customer reviews all mention some problems with the TOC. But hey, at the end of the day, for $0.99, I'm not expecting perfection...
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