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Old 07-18-2010, 04:49 PM   #23
kilohertz53 will become famous soon enoughkilohertz53 will become famous soon enoughkilohertz53 will become famous soon enoughkilohertz53 will become famous soon enoughkilohertz53 will become famous soon enoughkilohertz53 will become famous soon enough
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Posts: 141
Karma: 671
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Harwichport, MA
Device: Sony PRS-500, Sony PRS-350, Augen "The Book"
I bought the single available Augen "The Book" at my local K-Mart this morning. I haven't had enough time to thoroughly test it yet, but my first impressions are kind of mixed.

First, the "G-Sensor" that changes the page orientation of the current book is a bit too sensitive. Even a small tilt causes it to go from portrait to landscape.

The "Notes" function worked, and I was able to type and save a file to a 2Gb SD card. The user manual claims that it can take up to a 32Gb card.

Calibre recognized the Augen without difficulty, and I was able to transfer and read both Epub and .prc (mobi) files. I'll try some other formats later. (It claims to support txt, pdf, html, chm, rtf, fb2, epub, word, tcr, palm doc, open e-book, open reader, and mobi.)

The Augen comes pre-loaded with a bunch of Project Gutenburg public domain files in epub format.

I was able to authorize the Augen for Adobe Digital Editions, but a drm'ed epub from the public library did not display correctly because of those annoying embedded page numbers. There were unexpected jumps and the menu didn't seem to offer any way to correct it. I haven't tried drm'ed Adobe e-book format yet. (This shortcoming could be a dealbreaker for me.)

I was able to connect to my wireless network (wpa2) on the second try and use the Augen's (slow) built-in browser.

I haven't tried any music or video files yet. (According to the user manual it supports mp3 and wma music files and avi and mpeg-4 video. The screen resolution is 800 x 480 pixels.)

I'll post again after I've played with it a little more.
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